September 5, 2012

Blood of the City

The studio I work for has kept me extremely busy with work on the video game Forge, for Dark Vale Games.  Eric has been kicking ass on the game as well (Thanks, Eric!).  I'm hoping I get clearance so we can show some of that work off here soon.

Recently, however, I was made aware that Piazo released my cover for "Blood of the City."  Seeing that I could post it was a nice surprise when I woke up this morning.  :)  Big kudos to Sarah Robinson for being fun to work with.


  1. This is a beautiful piece, dude! I really dig this... it's making me want to do a Blood elf painting ;) Those tones are really hitting me... awesome work, man! Can't wait to see what comes next.

    And I LOVE all the footage I've been catching online about Forge. Looking so damn boss. :D

  2. I love the good vs. evil battle right in the middle of such a pastoral setting. It makes me wonder how much of that will be smashed to bits after the fight :). Great piece man.
