March 20, 2012

Carrion Crown

Last year around this time I did a series of half pages for the Pathfinder Carrion Crown Adventure Path. The blend of fantasy and horror themes was really fun, and the first time (hopefully not the last) that an art director has asked me to depict someone's head exploding. I've posted a few before, but here's the entire series.

All images © Paizo Publishing


  1. Wow, stellar work Craig, I'm envious.

  2. God damn, dude! Loving this post, you are the machine.

  3. Did you hear that? That was my jaw hitting my desk. AWESOME work! WOW! I am going to go hide under a rock now.

  4. Very inspiring! Really nice compositions and action. Good to see!

  5. man, those girls get into some whacky adventures!

    those are all so amazing! great job, so inspiring!

  6. those are great! man, i can't imagine doing that many big scenic pieces for one book. i would go nuts. well, and i am just too slow to pull it off, given usual deadlines. great work!

  7. Thanks guys! To be honest, I'm not very fast. It takes me several days to do a single half page, and the project was spread across months (3 images per book, in 5 books). Instead of saying: "last year around this time I did a series of half pages", a more accurate statement would be "last year around this time I finished a series of half pages". I try not to drag out a painting, but I'm still pokey.

    1. ah, gotcha. still, i woulda gone nuts.

      heh, i try not to drag out a painting, but all the paintings drag themselves out just fine on their own.
